Saara and Molla were brave enough to enter the web and pose a bit.
Are you
afraid of spiders? Or have you always wished to be inside of a spider web?
What a
man can do can a spider so better, but a man can always try. In Taidehalli you can now see (and enter
into) an art work by Tomás Saraceno and his assistants presenting a huge Black
Widow web with a working title 14 Billions.
exhibition where you can see even living spiders is open until October 3td.
My next
stop today was the renovated Korjaamo Gallery, a magic box of contemporary art, inviting and
entering you see a collection of Martin Luther paintings by Heikki Marila.
Portrait Gallery exhibition is open until October 7th.
See the address and opening
times here:
Photos © Paula Hietaranta